Not when you can literally see people committing crimes in front of you. For example, a drunk/high freshman kid playing bouncer at the door.
How was it? Any thoughts?
I quote this way too often around my dad. I think it's actually starting to upset him
Wtf is with all these weeby 4channers and their anime pfps?
Worst part about L4D2 is that I never want to stop playing it, but all my friends move on fast.
Not really necessary when your house is filled to the brim with drunk freshmen.
The tank absorbs most of a company's damage. So she wants a minimum wage customer service worker.
This is beautiful. Can I illustrate it?
I'm pretty sure that just being big enough to have some influence makes them an influencer. Most names I hear about are definitely influencers by the time I hear about them.
Here's the video where I actually learned about this phenomenon!
Tbf, the term AI is fairly broad. Very few of these startups specify their use of machine learning
From these comments, it seems pretty important to talk about kids before you get too serious with someone..