
joined 9 months ago
[–] AIhasUse -5 points 6 months ago (8 children)

Yeah, you're fantastic at repeating. I'm sure there is a kindergarten teacher somewhere beaming with pride. In case you are curious to actually learn what a fascist is, google it. They kill people. Lots of them. THEY START WARS. The number one complaint about them is not that they let states decide on the abortion issue. I agree, women should be free to choose everywhere, anyone who says they shouldn't is an asshole. Still, telling states they can decide that issue and not the feds is absolutely not the worst thing a "fascist" has done. I detest Trump, I have never, and will never, vote for him. That doesn't mean he is a fascist though. Words have definitions, when we start using the wrong words, we lose the ability to converse.

[–] AIhasUse -5 points 6 months ago

You make some good points. It's just annoying that what could have been a great place for discussion , and actually was for a while, just degenerated into a bunch of zombies chanting the same old lines without any idea of what they are talking about. The communism worship here is absurd, and whenever anyone even asks them to explain, they just go on and on about how triggering questions are and how fascists use questions as traps. It's gotten pretty ridiculous. Early on, i was encouraging people to use lemmy, now I'm just a bit embarrassed about it.

[–] AIhasUse 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, one person does occasionally, and then they get attacked by morons figuring out weird ways to capitalize BoTh sIDeS.

[–] AIhasUse -2 points 6 months ago

Yeah, everyone knows that libertarians are way into big controlling governments, certainly libertarians will take away dem votes.

Seriously though, it's so weird having so many vocal people who haven't the slightest idea what they are talking about. I honestly wouldn't be surprsomething. a few years there are a bunch of people going on about how the vp is and has always been the top office, certainly way above pres, that's like 5th.

If you don't know what you're talking about, take some time to read. It will literally change your life if you leave teach mode when you are brand new to something.

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