
joined 2 years ago
[–] AFaithfulNihilist 4 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

They don't call it the civil war in the South, they call it the war of Northern aggression.

... And that tells you all you really need to know about them and the quality of education these kids are receiving.

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 2 points 1 week ago

Planting trees who shade they will never sit in!

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 23 points 1 week ago

Union busting, lavish funding for genocide, corporate tax cuts, no healthcare plan, increased funding for police, pro-fracking, pro-drilling, 'tough on immigration ', etc etc

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 1 points 2 weeks ago

That's actually the Thomas Wayne that becomes Batman from The flashpoint timeline!

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 54 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

A rich guy dressing up in body armor and going around beating up poor people to fight systemic corruption is the most believable part of the whole Batman franchise. In his original incarnation he had a gun too.

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Can you think of any media that has been edited or will be edited?

I love archiving stuff and whether it's the aired only once episode of Rocco's modern Life, several episodes of it's always Sunny in Philadelphia, the TNG episode "Ensign Ro", or anything else!

I'm wondering what is on your list of stuff you know to have been or will be censored?


In anticipation of the coming wave of censorship, I'd like to develop a list of subversive content that might disappear off of streaming services.

As these services and broadcast networks are removing content from their catalogs, what kinds of things do you think might disappear?

I wonder how granular the censorship will be too, for example, will they start censoring individual episodes of Star Trek?

At what point do you think they're going to come for Mr Rogers neighborhood or Sesame Street?

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 8 points 2 weeks ago

I think people really misunderstand how differently people are affected by things. Putting drugs aside, people can have completely different reactions to regular food or mundane environmental conditions like dust and humidity.

I know a lot of people that enjoy cannabis and if you go one at a time and ask them what they enjoy about it, you get a huge variety of answers. Some of the things people say the get from it will be directly contradicting other things that other people say they get from it.

"It calms me down!" vs "it gets my creative juices flowing" "It settles my stomach" vs "it makes me nauseous" "It makes boring stuff exciting!" Vs "it makes me content doing nothing." And a thousand other reactions people have to it.

For some people pot gives them anxiety attacks, for other people pot eliminates their anxiety attacks. I think it's foolish to expect people to have the same or even similar experiences as each other when consuming substances.

I know plenty of people that don't like grapefruit, I love that shit. You do you!

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 7 points 2 weeks ago

When the price bottoms out it becomes a cheap mobile power wall!

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 69 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

They have already not done this with Putin or Netanyahu.

There is a less than zero chance they will do this with a sitting American president. No one's coming to save us from him we're going to have to do it ourselves.

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 23 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That was a particularly fun read.

Apparently it's a circular horn triangle!

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 2 points 3 weeks ago

I don't want them to have to wade through the advertising and tracking nightmare that is the internet. PI-hole and tail scale alongside some other equipment can keep them safe from that crap.

[–] AFaithfulNihilist 16 points 3 weeks ago

The first rule of acquisition: "Once you have their money, never give it back."

Just look at the extra sales tax in Indianapolis, Indiana compared to the rest of the state. The stadium the tax was created to pay for has long since been paid for, retired, bulldozed and replaced.



this kitty is just comfortably bouncing


She lives forever there in the text, but she can visit you for a time.


Sorry for the blurry vernier

side view



alternative picture

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by AFaithfulNihilist to c/turtles

I couldn't let Donnie stay in the wild because sliders aren't supposed to be here, but he looks really comfortable underneath his jungle of raspberries, basil, and potatoes while he basks on a bed of moss.


They seem to spin some kind of silk everywhere they go. They seem to be no longer than about 4 mm. I noticed them crawling up things and then dropping down on a line of silk. I've started catching them by putting little sticks up in the air attached everywhere that I find them. They tend to gather at the top of the stick for easy rapture by vacuum.

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