
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (10 children)

Im just blown away at the fact you're so upset about downvotes and someone saying they downvoted you because 'you aren't welcome'. Just like my "straw man" point stated above; that is the equivalent of someone disagreeing with you or not wanting to participate in a conversation that they view as "wrong".

Not everyone who disagrees with you is obligated to get into a full blown debate mode in order to have the privilege to downvote. If everyone did that then you would probably complain that you're getting invaded or something silly.

Ultimately if you like or agree with something then up vote and if you don't like or disagree then downvote. Seems pretty fair to me. And please don't come at me and say 'just ignore the post'. That's weak sauce attitude and I ain't interested in that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

I feel like you're skating past all the points I've mentioned. Do you agree or not?

Yes, Dems were pushing for stimulus checks. I was personally against it on a macro level but I would like to believe it was crucial to some families. Ultimatly, that was a drop in the bucket compared to interest rates and QE.

Spending is a different animal. Government spending doesn't really equal inflation. Ultimately I don't care if you're spending it on "good" things. Republicans won't mind military spending and Dems won't mind whatever it is they care about. All that is very subjective and not really my wheelhouse since I don't look at yearly budgeting and I don't think most do.

But when we're talking about inflation what we're talking about is new money flowing into the economy. We aren't taking about a presidents spending plans.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Keep it up Crul. I appreciate the subs you're posting in!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I'm so happy you sent me that article. It proves that stimulating the economy with new money often times is bad... Just like what Trump did. I'm not a Biden fanboy but I genuinely believe that Trump's love for cheap money doomed us. Here's one of many articles showing that he did exactly what I described above. The fed was trying to deflate the economy now but we're basically pressured into not. Now they are finally doing what they wanted to do like 6 years ago.

I promise you, you cannot in good faith argue that there was not massive artificial economic stimulus in Trump's presidency and he had a massive role in that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (4 children)

If presidents don't influence interest rates then presidents don't influence the economy in a measurable way compared the fed reserve. By your logic then neither president is to blame then. But neither of us actually believe that.

I would encourage you to look back into how Trump pressured the federal reserve throughout his presidency.

Again, if you don't believe that he influenced the feds decisions then all that talking that Trump did about improving econ health, and low interest rates was just the equivalent of him promising a wooden nickel to his followers and lying that he was the source of the change.

And again, I and I'm sure you believe that he did heavily influence the economy and fed reserve.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago (12 children)

Y'all are coping hard. It's a down vote. It's the equivalent of me telling you in person that I don't agree with your opinion on such and such topic. Stop acting like if someone downvotes you then proves that they also want burn your house down or something. And as a reminder, I can almost guarantee you that the majority of Lemmy is left leaning people so of course conservatives are going to get majority downvoted. Nothing wrong with that. I'm happy y'all are here and I hope that critiques y'all get will encourage y'all to produce well thought out content and not low effort click bait. And that goes both ways. But ultimately, crying about downvotes is weak sauce man.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (6 children)

Correlation doesn't equal causation. Just because Biden is in office doesn't mean inflation is because of him.

But here's what we DO know:

Quantitative Easing and interest rate control directly affect the economy for better or for worse. He also kept gas prices artificially low. We can argue if that was good are bad but we can't use gas prices to determine the health of our economy.

If abused, QE and low rates result in short term gain and long term damage. We often times don't see the results until years after the actions have been made and the market has had an opportunity to adjust the new dollar value. Basically crazy inflation equals crazy booms and crazy busts.

Trump pushed QE and near %0 interest rates harder than any president in history. Even Jerome Powell was uncomfortable and pressured into inserting more dollars into the economy. Yikes.

Remember the bust and miraculous recovery in the stock market we had during Trump? Busts like that don't happen for no reason. Nor do recoveries like that normally happen. Our economy was being fed cheap money until the day he left office. Now we're paying the price.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Equating down voting to violence sure does make you sound like you care but what do I know.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

While forcing us to pay for the outsourced power they purchased during the blackout... Any normal company would have to eat that loss.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago (8 children)

It definitely has nothing to do with the insane inflation the Trump achieved during his presidency...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago (6 children)

Uh, I'm not the one who considers it a big deal. You are the one complaining about it and how cruel the left is to y'all. I'm just chillin' on the toilet.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago (22 children)

Yes because down voting equals violent... Gosh people have become so soft.

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