Do the gene pool and the rest of the world a favor and fucking die.
And his mind will suffer for it. Aging brains eventually become ripe for the dopamine addiction and emotional manipulation that comes with social media.
I’m back on lemmy. Hello, dumbfuck. Feel stupid yet? As inflation increased, job markets weakened, the housing market continued to be open sewage, industries had massive layoffs, the middle class is smaller and has less power than ever, and the public began to be more amenable to fascism because of economic strife, you still think the economy was doing a-ok? Still think the economists who use different definitions in order to try to capture the spirit of the meaning after the fact precisely because the same metrics don’t always tell the same story might just maybe consider using that word now? No? Ok, we’ll just pretend the gatekeeping of that word had no ulterior political motive that bit us all in the ass. Head back in the sand.
My sarcasm implies the point. Your "arguments" are just stating something is good enough because "positive means more better", while ignoring the complexities of the issue at large. How much is enough? And averaging out inflation over time indefinitely without specifying time intervals is disingenuous. Defining useful time intervals for that which aren't inherently biased to sway the overall argument is in itself a debate to have. This is all without challenging the assumption that the worker's value stays the same or increases very slowly over time, so they must be happy with an effective raise.
Seeing as how you don't care to address the obvious major points that come up in conversations about inflation vs wages in your argument to begin with, and are happy just making hammy assertions, I'm happy to just mock them without putting in too much effort. Why would I let myself fall prey to the bullshit symmetry principle to someone already signaling bad faith with hammy statements?
Legacy comment.
it's the same map as the one with all the hot single moms in your area
Our demand for nurses is high, and a key part to our current solution is to under-train them, and lower our standards for what it takes to be a nurse, to be about to pump out more at a fast rate.
Source: know a dozen nurses, some who have graduated as recently as this year. The questions in the exams they take are nothing short of ridiculous oftentimes, they're just checking for a pulse, two brain cells, and a very vague gist of medical concepts behind the minimum on what it takes to know to perform the manual tasks of their job
Why do you think there were so many anti-vax nurses? It's ignorance paired with the ego inflation they get from people assuming they are more knowledgeable than they are.
Oooooo above average inflation?! Man, what a time to be alive!
In a perfect world, everything is fair and power imbalances don't exist. In a perfect world capitalism may not exist. In a perfect world is not a good tool for analysis, here, and doesn't excuse the tone-deaf response from Costco.
In our actual world, where virtually every other corporation is what it is, why would Costco think they are completely immune from the distrust that sows? Why would Costco think this doesn't come off as manipulative? Why didn't they emphasize "we apologize and we will do better"?
No, I think the under-handed tone of doom and gloom was very deliberate. I think they want the effect it had: reinforcing their stance that unions are bad, to let the employees know that they should still fear retribution of some vague type, if only to slow down employees at other stores following suit, while they devise a strategy to deal with it.
i wish i was on the fios instead
It’s not. I meant it and there’s no use pretending.
I’ve lived through enough racist bullshit and had some close encounters with neonazis going further back than the first trump presidency. He certainly emboldened them and both the frequency and severity of bullshit increased during his first term. Most of my life has been marked with more privileged people asking me to pipe down because they simply couldn’t connect with, fathom, or were unwilling to consider how much worse the experience in pockets of this country can be for some of us. There are always many different reasons to defend the status quo, including the fear of breaking an illusion of a much more civilized America. Those at the bottom always take the brunt of the consequences of maintaining this illusion.
Seems that people are barely recognizing the patterns that have been established for many, many years, only because they are now undeniable. Because they have come to a head.
I don’t care about being held to some higher standard in order to appease overly idealistic sensibilities, when the overton window has pushed us back this far to the brink of civil war through double standards. Neonazis are making demonstrations in minority communities, and we have a set of politicians using nazi playbooks to turn this country fascist in record time, following steps openly outlined by them years prior.
Sorry, but the intolerance paradox is real. And I won’t live my life a useless saint. Fuck these morons.