It is. Nissan decided to make a few changes to the leaf and call it a refreshed version.
Naturally they made the turning circle worse, removed the option to limit the battery to 80%, made the handling worse, reduced the glove box size, made the console smaller and an awkward shape, and made the battery overheating worse by cramming more cells in the same space with no active cooling. But at least they did give it more range.
Despite all these frustrations I still love the car. I don't think I'll be replacing it for at least another 10 years.
It is. Nissan decided to make a few changes to the leaf and call it a refreshed version.
Naturally they made the turning circle worse, removed the option to limit the battery to 80%, made the handling worse, reduced the glove box size, made the console smaller and an awkward shape, and made the battery overheating worse by cramming more cells in the same space with no active cooling. But at least they did give it more range.
Despite all these frustrations I still love the car. I don't think I'll be replacing it for at least another 10 years.