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[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Alright, could you see what the root variable is in the grub console before manually setting it by running echo $root, and if it prints anything, could you run ls / in the grub console and see if you see like home dev etc, or the directories you would expect to see in / inside linux, and if you do see anything, could you run ls /boot/grub/ and see if you see grub.cfg. But if you are already inside linux, go ahead and install grub with --removable, it wont overwrite your current installation. I dont want you to format the efi partition, incase something goes wrong and you wont be able to boot into linux at all

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I think anything that can be done with a fresh format can be done with the current one, when you ran grub-install after the issue with not running it as root, did you only do it with --removable? If so, the old grub is might be getting picked over the new grub installed at the removable fallback path, because it has a proper entry in the boot order. I dont know what key it is on your system, but if you can get into the boot order menu where it shows all the different boot devices, like where you can pick where you want to boot from, id look for one that just says something like "UEFI boot " or something like along those lines, it wont say like grub or your distro name, if there is such an option available, could you try booting from that option?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (6 children)

Oh its no worries, it sounds like you just need to regenerate the grub config, you can do this by running

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

or if your distro has it, you can just run

sudo update-grub

then grub should see the config on boot and put you in the normal graphical menu

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (13 children)

This is definitely strange, but the EFI system partition will have to be mounted to install grub to it, maybe the disk got mounted as read only, could you try explicitly mounting it as rw with this command

sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi -o rw

and then see if you can make a file as root by doing

sudo touch /boot/efi/test

if it doesnt fail on a permissions error, try installing grub again with --removable incase this error has something to do with it trying to tell the firmware what disk to look in like this

sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable

hopefully this will run without error and install grub, and if it does id run it again without the removable flag

[–] [email protected] 24 points 7 months ago (17 children)

As long as the kde neon partition is still there, recovery should be possible. You will need a way to boot into a linux environment like a installation media of just about any distro, where you will be able to mount your kde neon install, chroot in, and reinstall grub. Now I dont know your system or how you have it setup, but I can try and give some basic instructions.

So first things first, you are gonna want to get into a linux environment and open a terminal and start a root shell, this may be different depending on your environment, but its pretty much just:

sudo bash


su -l root

now if either of these ask you for a password, and its not presented somewhere, you may have to search on the internet for like installation disk default password, but hopefully sudo is just setup to run without one.

Now that you are in the root shell, you need to find the name of the block device that corresponds with your kde neon partition, the lsblk utility can be used to list all detected block devices, you are gonna want to find the one with the same size as your kde neon partition, this will likely be the one. Now if your partition has a label on it, you can use ls to look into the /dev/disk/by-label/ directory and see if you see your partitions label there, if so, you can just mount it like this:

mount /dev/disk/by-label/example-label /mnt

If the /dev/disk/by-label/ directory does not exist, it just means that none of the partitions are labeled. If you are having trouble determining what partition has your data, you can try mounting each one and looking inside, and unmounting them if it doesnt have your kde neon install like this:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
ls /mnt
umount /mnt

sda1 is just an example here, it may be different on your system.

Now when you have found the partition that has your kde neon install and mounted it to /mnt, you can now cd in and bind mount the special directories like this:

cd /mnt
mount -t proc /proc proc/
mount -t sysfs /sys sys/
mount --rbind /dev dev/

now if you are booting using UEFI, you will have to bind mount the efivars directory with this command:

mount --rbind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars sys/firmware/efi/efivars/

Now with everything mounted, you should be ready to chroot in and reinstall grub, you can chroot with this command:

chroot /mnt /bin/bash

Now that you are in your kde neon install, you can reinstall grub, the installation process may vary depending on if you are booting legacy BIOS or UEFI, to install grub on bios, you would run:

grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda

now /dev/sda is just an example here, but you want to install it to the main disk, dont install it to a partition like sda1 or something.

But if you are on efi, there may be an extra mount involved, the EFI system partition, now if the EFI system partition gets mounted automatically in normal circumstances, you should be able to just run:

mount -a

this command will mount the partitions listed in the /etc/fstab file. If the partition was destroyed, it will have to be recreated. If it is not listed in the fstab and is not automatically mounted, you may have to seek it out manually with lsblk, it should be the smallest partition, use the mount command to mount it to /boot/efi, creating this directory if it does not already exist. If you have to create one, just make a partition with at least 16 megs of space, and format it as a FAT partition, you can use the mkfs.msdos or mkfs.fat command line utilities like this:

mkfs.msdos /dev/sda2

where /dev/sda2 is the free space that is gonna be used for the system partition, this command is destructive, and will overwrite any data on the partition, so make sure you enter the one with just free space.

Once you know what partition is your efi system partition, and you have mounted it to /boot/efi in the chroot, you can now install the UEFI version of grub, you can use this command

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi

and for good measure/backup incase grub cant tell your firmware where it is located, you can install it to the removable media path where your firmware will look if it doesnt have any entries with this command:

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable

And finally, once you have installed grub for either UEFI or BIOS, you can generate the config file, like this:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Now you can reboot using the reboot command like this:


it should take care of unmounting everything for you, make sure you remove whatever installation media if you are using any from your system. And hopefully it should just boot into the normal grub menu and start your kde neon install.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I was thinking about that too, I cant think of much this ID is good for other than fingerprinting users. It just sucks that there isnt much of anything that can be done about it without a rooted device or privacy rom.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I did a internet search on "AAAD" and I found this github repository. I'm not sure if it is the same, but they seem to serve the same purpose and share the same name. I took a look into the code and I saw something about Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID in AboutPaymentActivity.kt, so I did some searching on that, and according to a person on stackoverflow, Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID is a ID unique to every app on your phone, this ID will persist across uninstalls and reinstalls. The only reason it should change is if the package name or signing key changes. Also it should be different for different users on the phone, but im guessing it might not be possible to add more users on android auto, im not sure, I've never really used one.

Now, about circumventing it, you could modify the source code and remove the license verification checks and rebuild, but this might not be legal, I'm not to good with legal stuff, but the license had a few words that suggest it might be non-free, but if software licenses arent an issue, feel free! There is also the option of just resigning the apk with your own key, which should change the ID, I believe you can do this in luckypatcher with one click, but lucky patcher is kind of sketchy and might not be able to work on android auto, I dont know much about them.

I hope this helps, im sorry I couldnt find any like anything that could just reset it and be done with it, maybe someone else might chime in with a more helpful answer.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 months ago

If Firefox can read it from disk without a password, any other program running as your user can read it from disk without a password. But to prevent this you can encrypt your Firefox profile with a password.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

I use SSH with port fowarding to securely access my services running on my server to anywhere I have internet. Its easy to setup, just expose any device running a ssh server like openssh to the internet, probably on a port that isnt 22, and with key only authentication.

Then on whatever device you want to get your services on you can do like

ssh -p 8022 -L 8010: user@serverspublicip

Where 8022 is the port of the ssh server exposed to the internet (default is 22), 8010 is the port its gonna bind to on the device you are using the client (it will bind to by default), is the address/hostname and the port of where your services are on your local network, and user@serverspublicip is your username and the ip address of where your ssh server is.

You can also use ssh to make a SOCKS proxy in your network like this

ssh -g -D 1080 user@serverspublicip

This will make a socks proxy into your network on your device at All of this can also be done on just about any mobile phone running android by using termux.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Dolphin + mpv for me so I can see the album covers and metadata and see whats available, if I have a specific song in mind, then ill just use the terminal and mpv.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

I took a quick look at the plugin and it looks like it depends on the diff command line utility. I dont think it comes installed with Microsoft Windows, but if you manually installed it, id open a new terminal and try running the diff utility manually to see if its on the executable path.

But if you want to try installing it, I think it comes with Git bash for windows.

I hope this helps, have fun with Neovim!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I'm prolly a bit late to the post, but I got this cheaper one off of amazon for 30 bucks.

I've never used an epilator (and never knew they existed) until quite recently, but I was pleased with its performance. I have these really visible giant black hairs on my chin, so I tried the machine on it and it clamped down on the hairs and ripped them out of their sockets, I dont know the proper term for it but there was like a little "ball" at the origin of the hair which kinda tells me that it took the whole thing out. I'm assuming its gonna grow back but its gonna take a longer period of time before it becomes visible, because it has more hair it has to grow, I dont know how long its gonna take because it just arrived and all happened yesterday.

However, there are some things that should be noted, there are 4 different attachments, I've only used one, but the way they attach and connect to the motor are all the same, plastic gears. Now I aint dissassembled the machine, but if I had to guess, id assume that the geartrain inside that connects the motor to the one gear where the attachments attach are probobly made of plastic too. Now I dont have a expensive one to compare, but id assume the build quality is probobly only slightly better, womens products are made with cheap, unreliable components because they want you to buy more. Also the epilator attachment was a bit magnetic on the sides, I've been told this is bad because magnetic metal can rust, however I dont really know too much about it. Now I'm not gonna be running it 24/7, fighting against the gears, or dunking it in water, so I figure its gonna last a good while, but not for decades.

Now something else that should be noted is that it didnt do much for my thinner hairs, it ripped out some but for the most part ignored them, mabye they arent long enough, but if you can see the hair and like flick it around with your fingernail it oughta be able to clamp onto it.

Also something good is that it doesnt require any stupid "app", any program, it doesnt require wifi, bluetooth, cellular data, a facebook account, a google account, or any stupid nonsense like that. Its just a machine with a switch with 3 states, off, low, and high.

Also something I forgot to talk about is that the ripping the hairs out of its sockets part hurts, I'm guessing you just kinda get used to it, but you might shed a tear or two. If I had to assume, since they all work on the same principal, the expensive models probobly hurt too.

But basically, it works just fine if you dont have much cash or just dont wanna spend a ton of cash on an expensive model.

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