I typically go for a run. The good thing is that you can control the intensity by increasing/decreasing your speed.
Only have 15 minutes? Run relativity quick and you more than likely be in heart rate zone 4.
I typically go for a run. The good thing is that you can control the intensity by increasing/decreasing your speed.
Only have 15 minutes? Run relativity quick and you more than likely be in heart rate zone 4.
One of my all-time favorite watches!
Riktigt häftigt!
I think you just experienced physics first hand!
Kul! Vad bygger du just nu? Jag själv är också utbildad utvecklare men valde att gå ifån yrket efter nått år men använder programmering i mitt dagliga jobb. Jag bygger en hel den automation i både Python och Powershell, samt bygger hobby-projekt i React!
Måste vara dåligt med folk i den branschen. Den var länge sedan jag såg ett ordentligt gökur.
I only sort by new for my subscribed feeds. I feel it works really well there. I rarely go so all or anything like that. Too much unwanted stuff for me personally.
Vet inte om jag som Skånebo någonsin kommer får se det där fenomenet!
Recycling. In Sweden we recycle so much that we have to buy trash from other countries!
The EU keeps big companies from taking advantage of their monopoly. Seems fair to me that the EU can step in and smack their fingers from time to time.
Gott nytt år!