I was able to save something one by searching for it on archive.org. It took me a few tries to get the correct date but I got the pic and story.
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If its FA or SF, if you know where to look, there are fairly extensive archives.
I'm a developer and have been building an bookmark app for this reason. Previously I use app called Pocket, now Raindrop.io, but I also want to have something that can be self hosted so that I can fully own my own data. Additionally I want to add a feature to archive the whole webpage.
So yeah it's becoming a big project and it's gonna take a while, and worst of all I've been having a burn out so the project is on halt.
But you can do this by using archive.org though, im pretty sure
Your archive sounds similar to https://github.com/FurryCoders/FALocalRepo , and a journal about it. If you know where to look there are near complete archives of both FA and SF from ~2010 onward.