Possibly cover the fans for a while until kitty gets used to being in the new place.
Maybe bed sheets draped around the fans. Hopefully you don't currently need them to stay cool.
Possibly cover the fans for a while until kitty gets used to being in the new place.
Maybe bed sheets draped around the fans. Hopefully you don't currently need them to stay cool.
Ooh the sheets is a great idea! I kept trying to think of ways to hide the fan but this is great!
Good luck
Also having food, water, and litter box in the same location is supposed to be distressing. Maybe spreading those out will help to alleviate some of his general anxiety?
I really need to take a picture of this giant closet. They are not too close together.
Is taking down the fans an option? Do you expect to need them? It's easy to just unscrew the blades, assuming you can get to them
I'm renting so I can't take it down completely and I'm short but I'm going to get a ladder and try to remove the blades. I won't be able to do it until Friday though...
I had good results when doing a search for "cat afraid of household object". Instead of listing a bunch of links for you, I figure you might find something more helpful if you try it on your end. I'm genuinely worried about you and your kitty. I'm not trying to be one of those asshats that says to google it yourself, because I know searching for advice about a cat that is afraid of fans might be too specific. You can probably apply the same methods from any results about a cat being afraid of any general object. My guess is the cat just needs your love and some time. I wish you guys the best!
Holy crap. Cats fearing ceiling fans is a whole thing. I had no idea!
Thank you so much! Now I have a plan!