Bloodborne for playing, Drakengard 3 for the characters and music, Tactics Ogre for the story.
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The King of Fighters, the whole franchise, it's just that special to me since my childhood
Interesting. No love for city builders and strategy games (RTS and TBS). Here are several, in no particular order:
- SimCity (4th is probably my favorite). Cities Skylines is the modern spiritual successor.
- Civilization series (arguably all versions were excellent for their own time)
- Starcraft (both are great)
- W40K Gladius (underappreciated gem)
- Kohan (nobody knows about that game. Kohan 2 was OK)
- Age of Wonders (3 and 4)
- Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War (the first one)
- Warlock - Master of the Arcane (honestly, I had more fun with that than with AoW)
- Majesty (the first one, very unique, "indirect" strategy)
The list can go on, and there were so many fantastic strategy games over the years...
I've played a lot of the games on this thread and more that haven't been mentioned which deserve to be recognized, but for my experience The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth goes at the top.
There are others more nostalgic, others with more acclaim, but I always come back to Isaac. The RNG, art, humor, and item combos made that game stick to me like nothing else. It has just a little hit of inspirational game design that speaks to me.
Hard to choose one, but maybe I'd say Kerbal Space Program 1. It had a really profound impact on the way I understood the world, space, physics, and gave me one of the best feelings of pure exploration. It was amazing to drop into progressively lower orbits around a new planet or moon before finally landing and walking around.
Definitely Dark Souls. I have played DS 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. I only have completed DS 1 and 2 out of them (mostly due to time, with the exception of 3 which I just don't like).
I know the DS1 map like the back of my hand, the mechanics feel natural to me, I feel like I'm being treated fairly and have the skill to complete challenges, and it genuinely feels rewarding for me. I feel good after playing Dark Souls for a bit. Even when struggling with a boss, 95% of the time it felt like I had made a mistake which could be fixed next time.
This is a hard call, and after a lot of self-deliberation...It must be Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, the updated 3DS version. It's a moody, dark, and interesting title within the Zelda game series! The deadline before the world ends pushes the player to figure out the most efficient way to make progress to save the world. The updated Bomber Journal makes this experience so tight and compelling!
Outer Wilds and 2nd place isn't even close
I would've thought you'd say Space Cadet Pinball, lieutenant.
Stardew valley was a really fun game to play with my wife
Duke Nukem 3D
I started playing in 2013 when it went open beta. I've had a couple breaks from it during the last 10 years and every time I come back its like a whole new game. At this point its like 10 different games wearing a trench coat lmao.
Final Fantasy II (which we later learned was IV) was my first "real" video game. It holds a special place in my heart because my Dad had me play it when I was learning to read, and he had me read all the lines and dialogue out loud.
For years I thought the opening screed read that Cecil and Kain were "swallowed by a deep frog." Imagine my surprise reading it years later to read fog. Hey, when the text scrolls by and you don't control the speed, it can lead to some misunderstandings!
Seeing Rydia chastise an adult was also very empowering for me, as a girl of similar age. When she came back later as a day-saving badass, it made me want to grow up to be a day-saving badass, too.
probably Forza horizon 5. closing in in 500 hours
best memories are from Minecraft for sure tho
Last of Us for story.
Original Modern Warfare 1 & 2 for all the memories I had of playing that in college.
Chrono Trigger! Great plot, and it swaps the slow burn that brings a lot of JRPGs down for a shorter story with a ton of replayability. Gameplay and characters are also great!
I always end up going back to the first Half-Life; everything in that game is very well made.
Probably Dark Souls for me, the replay value and the many different ways to take on challenges in the game haven't really been replicated, even after many attempt. If not that, then Alpha Protocol. I think they did choice and consequences the best in a game. I'll also throw Dwarf fortress in there too, since people need to play it.
Tekken 3 for the sheer amount of times I beat it front to back. I had no memory card for my PS1 as a kid so I'd leave my Playstation on all weekend while I beat the game. Some days the power went out and I'd lose progress and have to beat it all over again.
Super Metroid is the GOAT
While it's hard for me to come up with an ALL TIME favorite... playing Doom 2016/eternal is one of my greatest pleasures in life. Just simple mindless hack and slash that can get MUCH more difficult if you want it to
Outer Wilds.
If you haven't played it, don't read anything about it, just go in blind. It's an amazing experience that I wish I could play again for the first time.
Some other favorites worth mentioning:
Doom 2016
What Remains of Edith Finch
Titanfall 2
I’m probably weird when I say Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. At first a failed game that became a labor of love by the people that took it over. It took multiple years and expansions for it to come to a “conclusion” and the once i finished it, I was very satisfied.
To me it’s similar to the Marvel project up until the conclusion of the Thanos arc. I’m not the biggest marvel fan or much of a Disney fan. I do really respect the courage it takes to throw that many years at a project and trust it almost all the way.
FFXIV feels like that. It has that final fantasy marriage of interesting yet somewhat complex story with a message that makes you think. Its an MMO but honestly you can enjoy it up until the conclusion of End Walker with a couple of friends and some queuing up for the story fights. You shouldn’t have to do any terribly difficult encounters to progress the story and experience the game unless you choose to. The. Every so often you run into a song and get blown away. The game does a great job of usually having each expansion have a visual and music theme and sticking with that without making it feel like repetitive copy paste job.
I almost never like replaying a game or heck rereading the same book. But this game is the one exception where if a friend finds interest, I’ll resub and level yet another job with them and totally enjoy all over again.
Final Fantasy VII, it's the most pefect game made by human hands.
Either Super Mario World or FF7
What a tough question to answer, stretching all the way back to Atari 2600 for me.
I think I'll pick No Mercy/Virtual Wrestling Pro 2 on the N64. Possibly thousands of hours both solo and competitive at a friends with some incredible round robin tournaments with up to five participants. Just amazing Create A Wrestler and one of my handful of favorite gameplay mechanics ever. Also we were paying during the exciting days of pro wrestling so we had that enthusing us as well.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Had no idea what I was getting into and have been chasing that same experience ever sense.
It might sound dumb, but Guardian Tales. It's a gacha game on mobile and Switch, but I really love it. The story is great, it's fun to play, and the devs are very generous. I've played it multiple times on different accounts just because I have so much fun with it.
Final Fantasy VII
There’s too many to list but Zelda 2 was the first game I finished. It was a collaborative effort, using a book, but my friend Frosty and I stayed up all night (this was in junior high so this was a big deal) and finished it. Fond memories.
Holiday Island. And Transport Tycoon Deluxe...
halo 1 the GOAT with best weapon balance in the series and solid all around design
Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Skyrim
Feeling daring in kbin, huh?
"Little Big Adventure 2", also known as "Twinsen's Odyssey" in the US, and rebranded worldwide as "Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2" few months ago.