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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/StruggleBloop on 2023-07-02 19:09:34+00:00.

Me and my three buddies usually hang out every weekend on our days off work, we hunt some deer and bucks, and sometimes we go fishing and shit like that. Couple’ of weekends ago we had a cookout by the creek, nothin big. Just us and a couple of more buddies.

This weekend coming we’ve decided to go camping, we all took the Monday after off so we can camp for three days and two nights. We haven’t actually been camping with each other since we were lil’ kids back when our daddies use to take us and we’d make some hotdogs and burgers on the grill we took with us.

The whole reason we even wanted to go camping is so we can remember the good ol’ days. It’s nothing large, we’re not driving hours away or nothin. We’re just going in the woods, maybe 30 minutes or so away from the nearest road.

“Alright, man. I got the buns and wieners, who’s gettin’ the burgers and shit to go on them?” I hold my phone with one hand, while I grab the hotdog and hamburger buns with my other.

I ain’t made of money, so I can’t buy everything. We spilt it up, we each buy our own tent and sleeping bags; then we each split up to buy the food.

“Man, I told ya, I’m getting the burgers and lettuce and all that other shit to put on it,” That was Ron, he’s the one I’m talking to on the phone. “Danny and JonJon are gonna buy the pops and beer.”

Danny is Ron’s brother, the oldest of us. Only by four years, but older.

“Alright man, I’ll talk to you later, I gotta go pay for this crap.” I hang up the phone and make my damn way to the cashier, I throw my stuff down on it.

“Having a cookout?” The cashier, some woman in her thirties, asks. Damn, I wish she’d just do her damn job instead of talking. Scan the shit, and stop makin’ conversations.

“Yeah, we’re goin camping in the Red woods.” At hearing the name Red woods, she stopped scanning.

“You sure you wanna do that? Heard some damn of a hella lot of stories about that place.” Damn, why’d she’d have to go make it her business.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your concern.” I made it very damn clear that I wasn’t interested in anything other than her scanning my shit and giving me my total.

She took the damn hint, finally, and quit talking. My total came out to 17.46 which was fucking ridiculous. Those damn buns went up 7 cents since I last bought them, and don’t even get me started on the fucking wieners. What’s the point of working if your entire paycheck is gone by the time you buy a weeks worth of food. This damn world has gone to shit in a handbag.

I don’t know what she meant by no damn stories either. I ain’t heard shit about the Red woods, ever; then again I wasn’t exactly lookin’.

That weekend we all met up at Ron’s house, and we drove in his car to the nearest road before you go into the woods. We parked, got our shit together, and went to go set up. We decided to set everything up before we started havin fun.

We made it to the spot we wanted to camp at and started setting shit up, we each went to work putting our tents up.

“Damnit! My fuckin fingers bleedin now.” I heard Ron grumbling about pricking his finger on a piece of glass in the ground or something.

Then stupid ass JonJon goes along behind him and does the exact same thing. Talk about dumb.

“Shit!” I see him put his finger in his mouth to get the blood off, what a bunch of dumbasses. “Fucking glass, man.” He kicks it with his boots.

After we set up, Ron and JonJon went to see if they can find a spot to fish. Like a creek or small river. If they end up finding a good spot we all plan on fishin.

Me and Danny go looking to see if we can find any traces of a buck or deer, we brought our hunting riffles just in case.

We’ve only been walking for about 6 minutes and so far they ain’t shit pointing to any signs of deers bein’ here.

Which is straight up fucking weird. Deers are like fucking everywhere, so why ain’t there non here?

“Ron and JonJon are two morons sharing the same braincell ain’t they?” Danny and me have always been closer then those two, I mean we’re all friends me and Danny are just best friends.

“Ohhh yeah, they are.” I agree with him, because it’s true. They’ve never been the brightest crayon in the bunch.

“Hey man, what are those?” I point at the tracks on the ground.

They don’t look like deer tracks, I’ve never seen anything like them before.

It’s like a humans bare foot except where the toes would be are what I assume are long claws.

“Huh, Doesn’t look like nothin I’ve ever seen, a messed up coyote or something?” He bends down to poke at it, and to get a closer look.

“Or something, that’s definitely no coyote.” There’s pieces of glass laying around, the same glass Ron and JonJon pricked themselves on.

We choose to ignore it, thinking it’s some sort of prank, like those Bigfoot tracks people use to make to convince others there was really something such as a Bigfoot out there.

Fucking imbeciles with their shitty pranks.

We ended up following the tracks, just for jun. they didn’t go on for very long after we first found them; we only followed them for around a minute or two before they disappeared.

The tracks disappeared at a tree, as if whoever made them climbed the tree. There was nothing in the tree, which was the real strange part.

“That’s fucking weird, where’d they fuckin go?” Danny is looking up into the tree, trying to see if they’re any signs of someone previously being in it.

“I don’t know, man.” I say, looking around the tree for other tracks we might not of noticed before. “But I sure don’t think there’s any deer here, we should go back.” I say it like a fact, as if I’m only wanting to go back because I know there’s no deer to hunt.

It’s just a coverup, to hide the fact I’m freaked out. I mean, people can’t just disappear in thin air, they should be tracks.

“Yeah, man. Guess we brought those hunting rifles for nothin’ huh?” We start walking back to where we set up camp, when we hear a strange noise.

We can’t figure out what it is, it’s like someone stepping on sticks and kicking a rock at the same time. But it sounds so distant, if we started speed walking, then it’s nobody’s damn business.

We made it back to camp in record time.

“Did y’all find any place to go fishin?” I asked sitting down beside Ron.

“No man, did y’all find any signs of deer?” He’s messing with his finger, the one he pricked on the glass. It already looks infected, I bet he’ll have to go to the doctor over that later.

“Man, it’s a shit show out here. It’s like no animals live here,” I throw my hands in the air, and let out a sigh “but guess what we did find.” I tell him and JonJon about the tracks and how they disappeared. He agreed that it was strange.

We didn’t end up fishing or hunting, but we still had fun. We told stories about ourselves, funny stuff about when we were drunk, and stuff about woman we’ve dated.

We ended up going asleep around midnight, we didn’t get too drunk just a little tipsy. We didn’t want to drink all the beer the first night.

“Dude!” I feel hands around my shoulders shaking me, I don’t understand why or what’s happening I try mumbling a ‘what’s going on’ but it comes out incoherent in my half asleep state.

“Dude wake your ass up!” At that my eyes finally snap open, I shove Danny’s hands away in confusion.

“What the fuck are you doing man?” I snapped at him, it’s in the middle of the damn night. What’s he doing shaking me awake like this?

“I’ve been trying to wake you up for 30 fuckin’ minutes!” He throws in hands in the air like he’s annoyed, as if I’m the one shaking him awake in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.

“No shit! Why?” He better have a damn good reason why.

“Ron and JonJon are gone, they aren’t in their tent.” What? At that I stand up, walking out of my tent and going into theirs. Sure enough, they weren’t there.

“What the fuck? Where’d they go?” I’m confused and angry, we had paper we were supposed to write on if we were leaving to use the bathroom or something so the others didn’t get worried, obviously they didn’t fucking care.

“If I knew do you think I’d have woken you up?”

We spent hours looking for them, literal hours. We couldn’t find them. No signs even showed they had left. No tracks, no nothing.

We eventually stopped looking and went back to our tents.

“What the fuck!” I hear Danny yell, he was a few feet ahead of me so I didn’t know why, I speed up to see and there, in front of their tents, stand Ron and JonJon.

Danny continues to scream and yell at them, but I’m too busy. Too busy staring at their faces, the way they don’t even acknowledge us. They have no reaction to hun screaming whatsoever. It’s like they’re dolls.


“What the hell!” Both mine and Danny’s heads snap to where the sound came from, we couldn’t see anything at first. But a few moments later, there it was.

“Holy shit, what the flying fuck is that!” Danny’s mouth is wide open, in shock. Im sure mine is to.

It looks like a human, just with unnaturally long legs, and it’s far away in the distance but we can tell it has no clothes on. It’s swinging tree to tree. It’s not human, no human can do that. The swooshing sound is the sound of the tree limbs bending when it jumps to another one.

“Holy shit, we’ve gotta get out of here!” I scream, I run to Ron and JonJon and start shaking them. They still have no reaction to anything going on around them. “What..?” I’m in shock, I’m confused, scared, and so so confused.

When I shook them their body’s just fell to the ground,...

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