this post was submitted on 02 Jul 2023
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Blogsnark on Lemmy.

Sidebar and rules copied from r/Blogsnark:

"Swipe up to snark on your favorite bloggers, influencers, and everything else on the internet!

Follow Reddiquette and be respectful of differences (including political and religious). Remember the human on the other side of the screen. Let’s keep this community friendly and humane. This is not the place to post general hateful comments about influencers nor your fellow commenters. Read more about Reddiquette here.

Do not post content that promotes bias against identity or vulnerable populations. Content that is overtly or subtly biased due to race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or other identities/vulnerabilities will be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.

No trolling, self-promotion or karma-farming. Content should contribute to the conversation - do not troll, antagonize, or otherwise seek attention. Do not promote your own work, account or post affiliate links. Karma-farming will be removed. This includes posting/recycling old snark.

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Do not share personal information or direct others where to find personal information that has not been openly disclosed. This includes, but is not limited to, real estate listings, court and/or arrest records, voter registration, and/or tax records.

Discussion of certain content has been barred or limited. We do not allow discussion of: - The Tripp Family (Sarah and Robbie and those related to them) - Brianna Madia -The British Royal Family -Call-out accounts or accounts promoting influencer accountability -The promotion of anti-vax accounts or content

Trying to circumvent filters or moderator action to discuss these topics will likely result in a ban.

Excessive speculation and creative writing exercises will be removed. Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Do not mock how someone grieves or post content that is grief vulturing. Commentary that promotes grief vulturing and/or is mocking grief is not allowed.

Do not mock appearances. Content mocking body, age, weight, height, etc. will not be tolerated. Comments about clothing, haircuts, styling choices, etc. are okay. Do not comment on aspects of someone’s appearance that they cannot easily change.

Do not mock mental or physical health conditions. Content mocking mental and/or physical health conditions will not be tolerated.

Discussion of parenting choices will be removed at moderator discretion. Discussion of parenting choices will be removed at moderator discretion, this includes but is not limited to comments regarding parents utilizing help and childcare, how parents dress their children, parents displaying a favorite child or parents not spending time with their children.

Discussion of children will be removed at moderator discretion. Discussion of children will be removed at moderator discretion. - Children's names may not be used. - Photos with minor children are okay as long as their faces are covered. - Mocking children or directing others to view content of children in vulnerable positions is not permitted.

Be clear so others know what or who you are talking about. To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads and add context to your comment so others can participate in the conversation.

This means the use of acronyms or nicknames or posting a low-effort comment will cause your post or comment to be removed. We will reinstate your post or comment if you edit to include the full name or to add more context.

Do not share about your personal interactions with influencers or those related to them. This includes comments, messages, being blocked, in-person interactions and/or reporting content violations to platforms, sponsors or employers. Do not share instances where you have observed these individuals “in the wild”. Do not encourage other commenters on blogsnark to contact influencers or those related to them.

Do not directly address influencers or those related to them. Blogsnark is not the space to communicate with an influencer. Comments directed at influencers will be removed.

Blogsnark is not for holding influencers or bloggers accountable. The goal is not for them to read here and change. Calls for accountability will be removed at moderator discretion.

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