this post was submitted on 02 Jul 2023
5 points (85.7% liked)

AmazonFC - Amazon Fulfillment Center

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Welcome to a place to discuss work with other employees. Could be complaining about work or suggesting helpful advice to others. Feel free to discuss amongst peers and colleagues to make work a better place!

Disclaimer: This community is not owned or maintained by Amazon or it's subsidiaries


  1. No Offensive Remarks Do not purposely make offensive remarks about a person's or group's identity, e.g. Gender, Race, Sexuality, preferences, etc.

  2. No Spam Don't post large amounts of random characters, repeated comments, links to outside sources or in rapid succession. This includes self-promotion of any sort.

  3. No Personal information Do not share personal information of users (or yourself), including but not limited to: full name, face, age, address, personal identification (i.e. a license), or government identification documents (such as SSNs).

  4. Do not harass or bully other users

  5. Mark Not-Safe-For-Work content as such.

Be cautious about confidential discussions involving Amazon's policies This includes pictures of inside the facilities (or anywhere a phone would typically not be allowed.)

founded 2 years ago

This list will continue to grow over time as we come across threads that go above and beyond in providing exemplary guidance to our community.

• Rough Guide for Applying to Internal Jobs and Interviewing Link:

• Welcome to HR Link:

• Welcome to TOM Link:

• How to Get Into IT Link:

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there doesn't seem to be anything here