Hey! Thanks for commenting. Lately I have been playing (in MD) a goofy Dinomist/Symphonic Warrior pend deck that tries to turbo out Electrumite and Beyond the Pendulum. Electrumite is really funny - being able to add the guitar Symphonic guy to hand for a free SS is fun
For all your overpriced cardboard needs! Post about the shows, TCG, OCG, video games, and anything else related to our favorite children's card game.
Be sure to check out https://lemmy.world/c/masterduel as well!
My two current favorite decks are Crystal Beasts and Invoked Mekk-Knights.
Not the greatest, but fun enough to play with at locals.
I’ve been playing a lot of Melffy-Spright on DB and at locals. I’ve been really enjoying it. Iblee lock + 4-5 interruptions feels great.
When playing for fun I enjoy Virtual World. The CYAC support provides a way to make lvl 10 synchros and catches people off guard.
I've been playing mostly Altergeist on MD, and Morganite Traptrix and Furniture Labrynth on Ygopro.
Oh cool, I’ve been thinking of trying furniture labyrinth as it’s a fairly cheap competitive deck. Though I might try weather painter/Mekk knight first
I'm just playing casually with some friends. I've tried a Mokey Mokey deck as well as a Wight deck. The Wight one is pretty fun and works rather well with Wightbaking doing most of the work. The Mokey Mokey deck is ... well ... it's Mokey Mokey so it doesn't really work even with adrift now being a thing, then again we play super casually so it has worked out once before.
How does Egyptian god suship deck work? Is it 3x The True Name and 1x Obelisk? I have all the suship cards just because they are like the coolest design ever, but i haven't built a deck with them.
I’m doing it with slifer, but basically yeah. As Suships have like 4 different affects to put a card on top of your deck you can usually use true name anytime it’s in your hand
Isolde Monarchs. Though, I am leaning to waiting for new Monarch support instead of playing more and more.