Gotta admit, a cup is so very much more boring than a sword.
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Nobody even drinks from it smh my head
Idk about other cup trophies, but people most definitely drink from the Stanley Cup.
Source: have drank from the Stanley Cup.
You know... I know this is probably someone on the internet making shit up, but assuming you're not kidding, what team did you play for?
Didn't play myself, but a family member of mine works for the Avalanche. Was at the game when they won in tampa, so got in to the afterparty.
Hopefully that enough to convince you, don't want to go too into specifics unfortunately. But yes, people drink out of the Cup every time it's won
Nah, specifics are what I wanted! That's cool AF, thx for sharing
I can say I got really sick afterwards, there were LOT of people drinking beer out of that thing. Worth
The cup? or the sword?
Drinking from a sword sounds violent.
Still better than a cup.
Olympic medals are basically discs, so now we just need something that awards wands and the ritual can begin.