Very nice, bookmarked. Is Note for a Stranger somewhere in there? I could not find it in DMU or BRO folders.
Do you plan to broaden it to include all story articles as listed at MtG Wiki?
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Very nice, bookmarked. Is Note for a Stranger somewhere in there? I could not find it in DMU or BRO folders.
Do you plan to broaden it to include all story articles as listed at MtG Wiki?
It's there! On the story archive layout it's under its own "set" called "Pride Across the Multiverse" so that's the "set" I put it under. I was not aware it was part of DMU or BRO. I actually started this project to keep me catch up on the story.
Did you consider naming them in a way that implies reading order? I've been in magic for 15 years and I couldn't say with certainty what block immediately followed Tarkir, let alone each of them in order up to now.
Gosh, I had considered that but I wasn't clever enough at the time to come up with one. The individual stories are ordered within their blocks by the order they already on the story archive using series metadata but otherwise the blocks ebooks don't have any ordering metadata. You'll have to visit the mothership to see the order of the sets.
One way to do it might be to open the anthologies books and look at the publication dates of their first chapters. I would recommend doing it that way.