If the date format is not YYYY-MM-DD it can fuck right off.
Professionals have standards! Community for all proponents, defenders and junkies of the Metric (International) system, the ISO standards (including ISO 8601) and other ways of standardization or regulation!
My favorite thing about this date format is using it in file names. Sorting the files by name also sorts them by date.
Meeting notes 2023-06-29.txt Meeting notes 2023-06-30.txt Meeting notes 2023-07-01.txt
I know that they use that format in daily life in Asia but to me it's the "computer format" for this exact reason.
Everything is right about it:
- Lexographic sort
- Unambiguous months and days
- Acceptable on any document of record (lab, legal, medical, personal)
- Readable by nearly any culture (even us Americans)
I can't even comprehend how dumb this image is.
100 feet in 0.27373616263 fence posts
Doesn't that make you dumber than the image?
My brain hurt reading it lol
I actually agree that the metric system has nice round numbers, but this graphic is a hilarious rebuttal to the first one that just draws pictures to make their preferred system look like it fits into the pretty pictures.
Two can play at that game, lol.
Eh.. The graph shows
"Inches in 8.33 feet", and those 3's will go on forever like 8.333333333333..
Its clearly meant to be a shitpost.
Fuck yeah. Because 100 being the temperature of a random woman measured during her menstrual cycle totally makes sense.
Ey! It was the blood temperature of a horse before that, okay?! So it's not as if there were no improvements made at all! /s
This is cursed. I love it
I love the mental gymnastics which have gone into the making of this infographic. Gold!
I like that every bar has a different scaling.
Thanks! I hate it.
But in all honesty, this is almost like being inside a Canadian's brain. I have to translate back and forth at work all the time, and even cooking involves converting things back and forth. I have no idea how many drams to a gallon, so I'll convert ounces to mL, then scale as necessary, and then convert back to US customary because the measuring cups and spoons are labelled in American.
Same, as a Canadian I wish we just had everything in metric instead of 70% of things. If systems of units were money, metric would be paying with dollars and cents, while imperial is paying with sheep and bars of gold.
It's like we're in a weird limbo between the two. Metric for distance, except height which is in feet and inches. Grams for weight, except for human weight it's pounds (or sometimes not). Celsius for temperatures, but ovens use farenheight. Just pick one goddammit!
I am curious, what are you doing where you need to convert drams to gallons? Making mixed whiskey?
Don't Americans normally say "4th of July"?
Only when referring to July 4th.
Nice shitpost, op
I thought this post was funny until I read the comments.
I actually like fahrenheit for weather. 0 is really fucking cold, 100 is really fucking hot.
Works for Celsius as well. 0°C is damn cold, and 100°C is damn hot weather.
I guess I didn't account for climate change getting quite that bad
I have always hated this argument. If that were the case, then 50 would be the most comfortable temperature and it's not. This scale is about 20 degrees off since most everybody prefers a temperature of about 70 F.
Well... that goes for Celsius, too :P
"Base 12" is nice because it is easy to divide into halves, quarters, thirds as whole numbers. The rest is a bit of a mess though, I guess.
60% of the time it works every time.