Rust Programming
Normally this question gets the response that you need your own project idea so you actually care about it.
But a small project is best so how about coding a simple game? Hangman is a classic, Wordle would have some interesting challenges, or even just rock, paper, scissors for the very basics of input, output and logic.
If that doesn't appeal, then perhaps coding challenges would be a good start. There's plenty around like exercism, codewars, leetcode, etc. Many of them show other people's answers, so you can learn from them - but be aware that highest voted answer might just be the most clever, but not actually realistic (i.e. not idiomatic, not very comprehensive and/or not maintainable).
hey there fellow, I just started to read the book too. Have u do exercise from rustlings. I find this video from no boilerplate is a really good roadmap
I started contributing to Veloren three years ago specifically to work on my Rust. I've learned a whole lot and have had loads of fun! Find an open source project (we'd love help out with Veloren lol) and start contributing :) Also don't be scared off if your first PR goes through a scathing code review. I had never written code as part of a group with experienced members (school projects don't count) so I was ignorant of many helpful conventions and best practices.
A service that downloads the weather for a region using several external apis and then checks what one is most accurate/derive your own increased accuracy weather forecast
Do you have some old project that could have done with some change? Rewrite it in Rust.
i've been doing a mix of different things, making a discord bot with serenity, and I'm working through this performance aware programming course which has me implementing an 8086 processor. Both have been pretty good starter projects for me.
If you don't know what to code, but just want to code something, advent of code, leetcode, hackerrank, etc. that type of stuff can be fun.