does your boss realise there's only 12 months a year?
internet funeral
γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €γ €art of the internet
What is this place?
β’ [email protected] with text and titles
β’ post obscure and surreal art with text
β’ nothing memetic, nothing boring
β’ unique textural art images
β’ Post only images or gifs (except for meta posts)
β’ no video posts are allowed
β’ No memes. Not even surreal ones. Post your memes on [email protected] instead
β’ If your submission can be posted to [email protected] (I.e. no text images), It should be posted there instead
This is a curated magazine. Post anything and everything. It will either stay up or be lost into the void.
US generally formats the date as MM/DD/YY
i know :) I was just joking around.
Ah, gotcha! I misinterpreted and just figured you didn't know
But seriously, the date is in the midst of the pandemic, isn't it?
I don't want to get banana breath, thank you.