There's so much going on there, this is beautiful. Are those shadows from the clouds or a starkly different kind of vegetation? Is that patch of yellow flowers specifically planted by someone? Haven't been to Colorado but would love to go someday
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Overlooking the Sava in Belgrade [6000x3000] [OC]
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Thank you! The darker green areas are due to cloud shadows. I was at over 11,000 ft elevation when I took this photo, so the clouds were moving quickly and casting some really neat shadows. Some of the the orange hues are either from Fall vegetation or lack of tree cover, I think. The patch of yellow is actually tons of aspen trees that had already changed during early Autumn (this was taken in September)!
Oh that's cool about the aspens! I always love cloud shadows, and it would be hard to be the driver along this pass with so much scenery to take in
Just saw this today actually. If you’re in the area theres a great little music festival in alma this weekend. Motet, evanoff, emminence. Gonna be really good.
Sounds fun! I actually moved near Denver last year, so it's not too far of a drive.