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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/bach_to_the_future_1 on 2023-06-27 18:27:56+00:00.
We went to dinner with some of our neighbors. They are pretty active in their non-denominational Christian church, but they are also laid back and accepting.
They know we've left the LDS church and asked us some questions. I described how tithing works, the amount of $$$ in the Ensign Peak fund, what happens in the temple, and how sexual abuse is handled. They were absolutely shocked.
EVERY single person who works at their church not only has to have a background check, but is also a mandatory reporter. Imagine that! Not saying that abuse can't happen, but it helps reduce the risk.
It was a good reminder that the LDS church COULD make changes to be a safer place, but they actively choose NOT to.
It was also validating to talk to nevermos and confirm that the things that happen inside the LDS church are not normal or healthy.