Android, Thunder v0.2.1+8
Thunder App
An open-source, cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android.
This community is intended to discuss features and feature suggestions for Thunder; as well as friendly, respectful talks about Lemmy in general.
Please use the GitHub repository linked below to submit bug reports, so keeping track of them is easier, and make sure to search first if you already can find an issue for your report.
If there are any developers who would like to contribute, feel free to reach out on GitHub!
General Links
Website: Link
GitHub Repository: Link
Matrix Space: Link
Android Releases
IzzyOnDroid: Link
Google Play: Link
iOS Releases
Apple App Store: Link
TestFlight Beta: Link
Related Communities
Nightly Community: Link
Same here, but after retry theresponse is normal. May be because slow server?
I've had that heppen. I just tap retry and it goes through. I think it's a timeout on the app that's shorter than the reply from the server can respond to. Likely due to the inflex of users I'd guess.
This will be fixed in the upcoming version!