Thanks for showing me this community, I had no idea visible mending group on Lemmy. Great work too
Visible mending
A place to share anything about visible mending, or any mending projects at all! Textiles and clothes take a lot of resources and time to make, now and all through history. Visible mending celebrates the clothes on our backs by taking care of them instead of throwing them away. Feel also free to post non-cloth or -textile (visible) mends! Not every post needs to be about something being repaired, and we accept zero waste fashion and secondhand projects, as they uphold the spirit of mending. Pre-distressed clothing does not fit well here, unless used as a mending example. Mends do not HAVE to be expressly "Visible" if process or before images are displayed as well.
Sure thing buddy. I hope to grow this community further and will try to get back into more regular posting of my mending journey.
The next few ones will probably be more practical fixing and not that much decorative, but soon I will get back to this, too!
Is posting open to all? I have a bunch of sashiko/boro projects going right now
Of course, go ahead! I would love to get this community more active and diverse, as I myself do mostly (swiss) darning and a bit of stitching.
I need to learn this skill, my favourite jeans recently got a big tear