Where are you getting your peanuts? I was gonna buy a random bag of raw unshelled peanuts on Amazon but I wasn't sure if those were "safe"
Bring stories and images of your encounters with crows, ravens, and other corvids. Link articles and anecdotes. Note here your literary references. Art welcome.
A big 10KG bag of unsalted peanuts (or monkey nuts as they were called) in the shells on Amazon.
He loves them. I’ve seen him carrying four at once a few times
Thanks got my bag in the mail. Have a crow call as well and there is a crow(s) that lands on my balcony occasionally. Hopefully I can make a friend!
Also, your name an Expanse reference!?
It is indeed
haha nice, love the expanse. Starting my first rereard, though I am struggling to get myself to read per usual.
There he is demonstrating the peanuts in question
What kind of books does he enjoy?
He’s a fan of that famous Tolstoy novel Caw and Peace, and the Jack London adventure Caw of the Wild. I’ve seen him reading books about owls too. Know your enemy I guess.
Wow what a seasoned taste in literature
Most crows actually do like Edgar Allan Poe, but they don't admit it cause they don't want to look like posers.