Edit: really hope this sub doesn't become like the reddit one, full of snarky people who can't stand a different opinion.. not sure why you are getting downvoted.. those who down vote should make their own post with their own ideas...
It was a good episode for sure.. this guy had a good strategy it seems and it will be interesting to see what happens.. I am not too convinced that sharing with his whole team his advantage was the best move, but we will see.
Bruce really is not doing a good job of showing he doesn't have an advantage and maybe he should lay a little more low. Lol.
I liked Brandon's quirkiness but was not surprised to see him go. He really Couldn't do anything. But he was a sweet person..
Emily had a good redemption arch (somewhat) I can always appreciate when someone becomes self aware and it's nice to see her admit she had issues to address.. I like that she found an ally and it will be interesting to see who that plays out.