depending on your laws and country, a 12 gauge "for birds" is a great option. stray shots don't go far but it will be quite the deterrent for most, even the larger kind of animal that may wish to harm you
Guns for Leftists
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Had I seen this 9 months ago, my answer probably would’ve been a PCC or AR pistol depending on your state, but now it seems that a handgun would be the best option.
If you haven’t gotten something already, you quite literally can’t go wrong with pretty much any 9mm carry or full size handgun from a reputable manufacturer. Things like the Glock 19/17/45/47, Sig P320, S&W M&P, CZ P10, etc.
Glock 19 or 17 are usually the default recommendation for a first handgun (and for good reason). If you’re looking for something slightly cheaper, S&W or a Glock clone from PSA would probably be your best bet.
As with all of my gun selection advice, the most important thing is that you know how to use and operate it safely, and with that comes training. So pick a gun (or rent a few) and get out there and train/practice!
Benefits? It looks interesting
Extremely concealable. Ideal if you're in a concealed carry state.