Nice work! I feel like taping on your panels is a rite of passage. Have you been printing much with yours? My only challenge with mine is somewhat inconsistent z offset between prints. Not sure if that's due to the endstop potentially moving, the nozzle not being perfectly clean (I've been manually wiping it with a paper towel), or maybe due to expansion related heat soak...
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I have to do a fine babystep here and there, but nothing major. I think it's mostly because I haven't done an actual offset calibration since changing to Klicky PCB, just kind of eyeballed it with a piece of paper.
Do you have the calibrate_z macro?
Edit: Moonraker says I've got 130 hours on it already. More than I thought!
Calibrate_ macro you say? No, not yet. Thanks for something to go look into!
Of course! link
Thanks for the link. This looks like it might be a battle for another day (like this weekend) but it really does look like a battle worth having!
My DIY klicky was HORRIBLE. Surely there's a better way than just "I dunno kinda like smush the wires against these magnets." I used it once and decided the $20 for PCB was better than inevitably ramming my hotend into the bed one day.
Yup, totally. Klicky as a concept is great, but the original design was just bad. The Klicky parts I had were from a PIF provider, so I'm confident it wasn't a bad print job. Maybe Klicky NG fixes the issue, but to me the PCB is worth it.
Nah, I tried Klicky NG. It was even worse