Nicely done! Have you thought about shortening and re-terminating the 3.5mm cable, or do you like having the full length in case you want to occasionally use them as wired headphones?
Tiny speakers for your head.
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I've been planning on maybe clipping the cable on my broken older pairs and remaking this. Keeping the original cable intact on these means that i can reverse them in the future. I like having one pair with a flawless cable.
I daily a KSC75 on a headband because it weighs almost nothing and I spend a lot of time at the PC. I don't use it as much for pure music listening but daily computer stuff it's all I use.
Can't beat Koss' mod-ability. I babysat a kitten for a few days a while back and he was in my lap and bit right through the left side wire like it was nothing and I luckily had a spare ready to go, just popped them on the headband and good to go in 2 minutes. Saved the broken pair, desoldered the wires and put the drivers into an OH2000 from Aliexpress. Sounds great there too.
What a great start to the lemmy headphone community