I’m sad to hear that had to happen to you but from the sounds of it, you were fortunate enough to have a graceful passing with her. Do you have someone that you talk with?
I’m doing okay overall. My new job is neat but overwhelming to learn. I was lucky enough to take a trip to a beachside state and it really made me reevaluate my entire life like every day haha. It got me really into the Blue Zones books again, and now I see that there is a video documentary series. It has slowly become more clear to me the the US (among other countries) have an out of whack work/life balance expectation and the many of major mental health issues we are faced with is due to this. I’m on a journey to keep trying to find that balance and ask what I really need in life. The most consistent things I notice from the Blue Zones are a sense of community and a sense of purpose, which help the people not have less stress, but rather experience stress in a more tolerable and productive way.
That, and I’m learning how to play pickleball.