I would not have believed this story if Robert Pendilla hadn't posted the call sheet. A Beautiful Noise has a cast of 27, including 9 alternates, standbys and swings. With 13 actors (nearly half the cast) out, this would have meant they were at least 4 on-stage performers down. And, indeed, the call sheet shows several swings split-tracking (covering several tracks - or roles - at once). I imagine it must have been hectic backstage and unusually bare onstage.
It reminds me of a performance of Les Miserabes that some friends of mine saw many years ago. Sickness had hit the company and the ensemble was severely depleted, especially the female ensemble, to the point that the actress playing Eponine had to go on in Marius and Cosette's wedding scene as a guest. This was back when Marius had the line "When I look at you I remember Eponine, she was more than you deserved, who gave her birth", and he sang this as Eponine was literally waltzing around behind him.