Hello. I'd like to apply. My time zone is GMT. I'm mostly available in the evenings, but I like to write bots that can also monitor things.
I made a gif here: https://lemmy.world/post/4409633
(I also moderate [email protected])
A Community for people to create posts with GIFs, MP4s or WEBPs - anything that's animated and reasonably short.
Images can be often be hosted directly on Lemmy, or on external sites such as https://imgur.com or https://catbox.moe.
Hello. I'd like to apply. My time zone is GMT. I'm mostly available in the evenings, but I like to write bots that can also monitor things.
I made a gif here: https://lemmy.world/post/4409633
(I also moderate [email protected])
I just transferred the community to you.
Many many thanks for your help!
Until we get better moderator tools, I'm not moderating any new communities. Hopefully someone will take this on who can focus on one or two.
Thank you anyway for all the communities that you do moderate! <3