Good work but I hate how often people share screenshots... Screenshotted Instagram posts, screenshotted memes, tweets...
Community to discuss Summit, a Lemmy reader for Android.
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I actually prefer screenshots to links when it comes to memes because there's a lot less friction (clicking a link to viewing the content vs just seeing the content immediately). Also since people delete or edit comments/posts, screenshot is a much better way to preserve the state of something if that is the intention.
Sure, sometimes a comment is the important part, but I have a real beef with this whole screenshot culture.
Obviously technology isn't helping, with web sites preventing saving of images and no good ways to preserve formatting when pasting information.
And then there's the whole format issue when a shitty jpg is screenshotted, shared as png, then recompressed, screenshotted again... Ugh
Could you add an option to hide the bottom navigation buttons and move the items to the action button.
Also, list local communities of particular instances. Like from the about instance page, provide a list of local communities.
By the way, I have just started using the apps and loving it so far. Kudos.
I'll add these to the roadmap. Thanks!
One more thing I noticed, when I change the layout "cards", and click on images, a white flash appears. This is not an issue with "cards 2" and "cards 3".