What's your budget?
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Under $1K AUD ($640 USD). Preferably closer to the $500 mark, so not too crazy. I also have to get all the other stuff (bag, gloves, etc)
I don't know if https://www.costco.com/callaway-edge-10-piece-golf-club-set%2c-right-handed---graphite.product.100683849.html is available to you, but it's probably the easiest way to get the clubs you need to start.
Okay, that's a surprising and viable option and I think they're available here. If not, do you know of anything similar by competitors?
Seems like a really high quality "getting started" set. The thing with Australia, though, we often miss out on options. I'd consider a shipping service from EU or US since that seems to clearly he better than similar secondhand pricing when factoring wear and warranty.