A bit sad to be back home in the West Island today after a couple of weeks in the South Island visiting the olds.
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
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Hope you had a good time! As far as the weather goes I reckon you must have timed it pretty well.
Yes sure did. Was shorts and t shirt weather when we walked a bit of the Heaphy track. Although was a bit wet driving from Karamea back to Christchurch on Thursday.
Got attacked by my neighbor in my driveway he tried to knock me out. I'm in my home now with all the doors locked Feeling very unsafe
So sorry that happened, that's horrible. Is this a situation where you could report to police? Even if they don't do anything, I think you need a record to get a protection order.
Nah I ducked both of his punches and managed to create enough distance to run away. So i dont think that counts as assault. After half an hour of freaking out and pacing around my house he came and knocked on my door and returned my water bottle and apologized and said we are all good now and I shook his hand through my window.
He lives next to me and I don't want to cause any trouble by getting police involved. I got my dad to come over even though I'm an adult and I'm gonna find a new place to live as soon as possible. I worry for myself but I worry for my lgbt flatmate more.
Hang on, he threw punches which luckily you avoided, that’s attempted assault in my book. But it didn’t end there, he was pacing around your house? WTF?
His apology seems a bit of a "cover my ass" policy by him. Report him!!!
No sorry I was pacing around my house wondering if he was going to come attack my house. I am moving house asap then I'll put a report in.
Good plan by the sounds of it. Be careful, take pictures if there’s any issues.
Glad you've got family nearby to fall back on but what a stressful way to start the weekend.
That's horrible! Hope you'll be ok. Seconding reporting it to the cops if you haven't already.
Good grief, hope you are OK.
As others have said, report it. Do it now, and say you’ve locked yourself in to be safe.
I'm trying to summon willpower to do the things, but instead I am probably going to just play BG3 for four hours
Four specifically?
Yeah that's my self imposed cap
What a beautiful day! Woke up this morning feeling a bit rough but it seems to have settled down. Might try to do some laundry if the machine is free.
I'm guessing you're not in Wellington, or at least not outside. It is windy.
Ha ha no I'm nowhere near.
I know those Wellington winds though. Nothing like it.
Everyone I know has gone to the Kaikoura Hop today, except me. I used all the feelings of neglect and abandonment to propel me up a steep hill in a fit of 'well fuck you all' but it only lasted halfway and then my calves were like, 'well actually, fuck you.'
5.6km later I'm too tired to care about not being invited so it kinda worked. And I set a terrible benchmark time that I'm determined to beat so I'll definitely be grumping my way around the same loop at some point, lol.
Grumpiness really can be the best motivator sometimes. I hope your weekend improves though :-)
Yeah, my original plan involved a lot of very angry rock music but I managed to somehow lose the silicon bit of my earbuds so had to listen to my own Darth Vader impression heading up instead.
The rest of the weekend will be much better, just with added leg aches. I didn't realise how seriously unfit I am!
Still going through whatever sickness the kids passed on. The brain fog’s making me want to go back to sleep. Weather’s too nice today though, managed to do some gardening, sift some compost and plant some new seeds.
Really wanted to do an oil change on the car, but can’t bring myself to do it anymore.
A bit of a hell day here - have a situation going on in the extended whanau that's coming to a head. My mother is coming out of it as the 'bad guy' when all she's trying to do is protect her elderly Mother's assets from being pillaged by my Aunts and Uncle. It's horrible to see what money (or lack thereof) can do to what was a close family. It's like something out of a bad soap opera. Mum's a mess :(
That's pretty shit. Might be worth a call to the Office for Seniors? https://officeforseniors.govt.nz/our-work/raising-awareness-of-elder-abuse/elder-abuse-response-service
They might be able to point you in the direction of elder abuse support services.
It is, it's despicable and deplorable behaviour. We've got Age Concern involved, but great to know there are other avenues there as well. Unfortunately it's looking like it's largely going to go through lawyers now.
That sucks. I hope it all gets sorted.
Cheers, me too