For some reason the link to steam doesn't appear. I will add it here
Indie Gaming
A place to talk all about indie games, current and upcoming ones. Devs are welcomed to share what they are working on!
Thanks, I think I did that. While editing the post I've noticed the picture button and thought it would be a separate thing besides the steam URL. Oh, well.
It actually looks better like you did it when browsing the community. The other posts don't have a thumbnail. I think we should do all posts like yours.
I love the art style, I just hope the gameplay goes deeper than just a shooter. Will have to try the demo later
Yeah all the trailers make it look like a straight-up shooter with all the Matrixesque dodging and bullet-time.
In actual game the combat is deadly and you have to plan around using your augments, which consume energy. Energy can be replenish by eating batteries but there is limited number of those in the level and they are kinda scarce, requiring exploration to stock up. You have to think around - do I use it for the few seconds of invisibility to get past the guards and sneak to the elevator and reach my target or maybe to jump higher in a few particular places outside and scale the building or just go full Matrix on the guards and suffer with limited to no energy for night-vision later on. You'll see yourself in the demo.
Sounds kind of sick... Giving me Heat Signatures vibes, if you've played that. Sneaking around and using resources wisely to infiltrate ships so your character doesn't get permadeathed. That mixed with max payne and tarkov. Looks cool.
check out peripeteia ost, its cool