At least it cooled down a bit. And it's still better than a 35° heatwave where even at night it doesn't go below 25 >_<
Those days are torture XD
**België - Belgique - Belgien** _L'union fait la force_
Yeah fuck that noise too. Just give me max 25 during the day so it cools down to something like 20 in the evening
have BBQ planned for this afternoon, great timing :-/
20 degrees here, just leaving all windows open until it starts raining.
Just looking forward to getting a good night's sleep when temperatures drop a bit more
Yesterday, it was 26°C and humid inside of my appartment. So I thought I'd leave the windows wide open all night. Result this morning: 25.5°C inside and a living room full of bugs :-/
Made the right decision in driving my car to work instead of biking since it's raining now I need to head home.
Wish I was in Belgium! 38 today in Vietnam, feels like 49 in the sun, 42 in the shade, gradually turning me into a vampire.
At least it will cool the apartment down a bit