For the dankest of all memes
The fucker couldn't even bother with "something something Africa Wagner" and just showed the Western dream map of balkanized Russia as proof of it's colonialism.
Yeah, process that last part, comrades, it gets funnier.
Processing… processing… it certainly gets more fascist ethno-state wet dreamy.
I meant layers of hypocrisy=) Same old same old with them librul "democrats".
This is what colonialist culture & no political education will do to an MFer
Right? Like, I mean there's probably some room for a discussion on Russian and China's actions in geopolitics and to what extent that is a form of imperialism but to straight declare that no other countries are seems like mind rot to the highest degree. Like we're just going to pretend that America doesn't exist at all I suppose? Or that France and Britain don't still have extensive colonial properties and interests? It's a hell of a take.
If the states of America were not united, the world would be a better place.
It wouldn’t work out great but it would be way more fair than the current system tbh, at least then we would go to war with other US states and not fuck around in Syria and Libya and Taiwan.
I keep finding tweets of this man around the internet and by now I think he is genuinely insane.
I assume every single one of his tweets is accompanied by a litany of flags and/or maps? That seems to be his one shtick.
The guy straight up created a NATO fanclub with himself as a leader. It's either grift or something is indeed nor right in his brain
What happened at 75 that made imperialism cease to exist in his mind 😂
I think he went to this article on Wikipedia, saw the year 1975 in the opening paragraph, and stopped there.
Most well researched lib.
Maybe it's his date of birth and he's hedging his bets. I don't know when colonialism was supposed to end but it was definitely before I was born
No way this guy isn't being sarcastic 💀
Sarcastic or no, man definitely has a flag fetish.
He looks like a mormon
Does he want Austria-Hungary back?
The man who spent money to buy an enamelled NATO flag pin is exhorting the world to balkanize:
...imagine my shock.
Frankly I'm a tad surprised that he forgot to mention South Africa but I suppose even this dork has at least a tenuous grasp on not going over the top.
This is great; shows how transparent all these "balkanize State Department enemies" maps are.
MF thinks it stopped at ‘75
India and Brazil are next in line if Russia, China and Iran falls apart. Then only one great superpower will remain... the US.
The only power on that list falling apart is the US. Have hope friend.
I feel like this belongs in srs (shit reactionaries say)
I'm not sure where it belongs because I don't understand what it is. I sure am enjoying it though!
This deranged take is so on the nose that you just have to think this guy knows what he is doing and is using this language intentionally. Unfortunately he probably is really just that insane.
botton right confused the funk out of me, it's Russia and China
I want the shittiest take you have... No that's too shitty
If you're sorry about colonialism than why aren't you advocating for the return of the Koh-i-noor?