The GAC and HRPT for this time is not in CLASS yet, but I will post that when it is
Amateur Satellites
Discussion about amateur reception and processing of data from artificial satellites, primarily through radio signals but data from internet resources is welcome too.
Same parts of the GAC (ch2/ch4):
Looks like the same as last time, the MIRP is just getting very confused by the corrupted data.
~~Although the corruption was on the left side of the scan last time. Now it's on the right.~~
I'm was being a bit stupid here, I flipped the image, so obviously the corruption is on the other side, this is the same as last time
Hopefully it will be able to resolve itself as usual.
I haven't gotten one of these broken ones yet. Sadly I already missed all NOAA-15 passes for this morning. Maybe I could try at evening.
Edit: Telemetry shows increase in AVHRR motor current:
Here is HRPT from the previous pass:
It's interesting to see how differently the onboard computer is making the APT compared to the raw data
hopefully it comes back again, last time I remember this happening it was fixed by the night pass
There was also a HIRS malfunction on NOAA 18 a while back, these NOAA sats seem quite good at fixing themselves