Witcher 3. The main game and two expansions are so substantial that if you enjoy the game you’ll be playing it for months
Like everyone else I vote for Witcher 3. It does recaps of the story for you too when you start back up if you take a break from it so you aren't completely lost. Actually took like a 4 month long gap before returning to it and continued from where I last left off. Nice writing too, and Witcher 3 is really cheap to buy.
Witcher 3 is a fantastic game, the the main story and expansions will take a good while to complete. Plus, you can spend hours wandering around finding places of interest and exploring the map. I spent dozens of hours my first play through just chasing the question marks on the map. Plus the game is just insanely good
I'd say it's between Witcher 3 or Dead Island 2, and comes down to what you want.
Witcher 3 is going to be an epic story-driven experience. Great writing and quest design, great RPG elements, but the moment-to-moment gameplay is beginning to show it's age, and the combat has always been a bit of a weak point.
Dead Island 2 is more of a turn-your-brain-off-and-do-dumb-stuff experience. You aren't going to be wowed by anything in particular, but you'll have a very fun time mutilating zombies in hilarious ways. It's overall less impressive than Witcher 3, but it's also more modern and the better choice if you want something more casual.
I have only played Witcher 3 in your list, but it is an amazing game. Definitely get the edition with all of the DLC. Those expansions improve the battle system.
ive been wanting to play the witcher series becasue it looks fantastic so im gonna say the witcher becasue i can, also idk where to get 1 and 2 from im probrably gonna get them from steam one day.
Witcher 3 - make sure you get the two DLCs which are also amazing. Though I prefer Blood and Wine over Hearts of Stone.