200 members already! Thanks everyone :)
Red Devils
All things Manchester United.
New to the community? Come say hi in the Welcome thread.
Got any suggestions on how we can improve and grow as a community? Let us know!
Basic rules:
- Fuck the Glazers
- Be civil to each other
- No non-Manchester United/football content. Non-United content is allowed if it affects United in some way. Otherwise, use the Daily Discussion Thread
- Fuck the Glazers
- Before posting news, please refer to the Journalist Reliability Guide
- Keep it legal - no streams please :)
- Have fun!
- Fuck the Glazers
Let's gooo! Now we just need this place to me more active and have more interaction!
Hopefully we get a 'Here We Go' at some point soon which would certainly help!
I took over the Formula 1 community around 3 weeks ago. We've got more than 10x the number of users/month since then from one race really.
It's now looking like a super healthy community, with plenty of posts and interaction. It's top 20 on lemmy.ml and is the biggest sports community there.
This united channel should easily catch it and surpass it once we have actual football to talk about, and aren't here hitting F5 like muppets.
Imagine this... The Glazers sold the club "Here We Go"
A match thread for the first preseason game ๐
No, thank you for the posts as well. Let's keep it going. Won't take long to get up a nice user base here.
Looks like Lemmywinks didn't fancy posting a new Daily Discussion today, bots can be so temperamental