There have definitely been instances where I've stayed at a Chinese buffet for almost 3 hours, and they didn't really care. I got my food, sat down to eat and relax, and we didn't bother each other
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My school has labeled the main cafeteria "All You Care to Eat", which I still think has a loophole.
washee-washee read this out in my head
It's not all you want to it, it's all you CAN eat! Bwahahahahaha!!
Isn't this family guy?
4 hours seem excessive. But I would not eat at a place that had me watch the wristwatch while I'm eating. I come to a restaurant to relax, socialize and eat well. Anyways, eating slowly would make me eat less, I think. Gives time for the full feeling to set in. I can normally throw in a lot of food if I do it fairly quickly.
I don't know why your getting down's pretty legit.