v1.1.0b is in Review. Will be available by end of day.
1.0.4b was skipped. Since lots of changes were made in Granite, decided to mark v1.1.0 to denote.
Loom: https://github.com/neatia/Loom
LemmyKit: https://github.com/pexavc/LemmyKit
Granite: https://github.com/pexavc/Granite
Testflight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/owwIagmV
Looms |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbkjKBrrmnxoo28rc1xuxqJDHoz4P2LdMLctyQATu8HC2) |
Create "Looms" of any group of communities from any instance. Merging their content into a singular feed. |
Explore |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoHKNAo2RHYAd843Mv4tzxAvRKswT1U8zVrEMnj4UFDQ) |
Visit linked instances when connected to a lemmy server. View small snippets of each and their ping response time. |
Travelling Modals |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdXUT8RbYT6orPhHQMQig6TMMyg6crUhssmbC96bT266s) |
Writing modals can travel with your viewing context. Allowing you to browse content in any stack prior to publishing. |
Bookmark Syncing |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVeqWMZZ2TipxVK5aRfbFxtQBTsvJ1snYDaVCs16jRmK7) |
All your saved posts and comments can be switched between accounts in a dedicated component. |
Sharing |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYykQW876J2pa1kL935TTifAEnyFqF6inUwhMJqJz3piA) |
Share posts or comments as images. With the intention of supporting QR codes and Engravings in the future. |
Search |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmV6HpHVvRaEeJRBJAtQZC2mefBEKw4Lgj3TJXBtqsxQP4) |
Either search all, a specific subcategory with sort support. View expanded contents within the view, interacting with content as normal. |
Profile |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYgVViPqKpYJttMeK32C5uLQy88HWqRJRjLAxjVU48tpL) |
Dynamic threads, despite viewing context. Swipe to reply to comments or tap the more button, to modify, remove, block, etc. |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbcEyh6qHqJt3sfEF2CL8Xjhjbcd2wLXUd27GNro7pgCD) |
Deleting and restoring with toast reactions. |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmf1NCciupPPGFsqnza2F9QMVE8fSYUyqDqMcTT7pdiozw) |
Switch accounts, view their profiles, and their scores. |
Embedded Webview |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmV7Wo17wdB2vueyYiXeDxeLX2LLd8tS1JKgrFrAhcQ1M2) |
Custom JS insertion supported, customizing how webpages are viewed via direct user input is a possibility. |
Light Mode |
![Image](https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUtjSKkYmvJ1erK4eQpwuMpqLPBHZWTUGH2V658Td3u6W) |
Light mode and Dark mode supported. Refer to the color group in Assets to define preferences. |