I will always upvote Benchmade.
This is the place for talking about all things pocket knives, and knife adjacent things. Folders large and small, multi-tools, sharpeners, even fixed blade knives are welcome. Reviews! Advice! Show off your Knives!
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Kershaw Shallot, super comfortable even with the bigger size. It is nice and flat. Sadly discontinued, hopefully it will stick around long enough to be a good present to my son when he is older.
Kershaw Shallot
I have the other 3 "Onions" but I never grabbed the Shallot and I kick myself for it.
Check ebay, the do come up from time to time but I have noticed the prices going up lately.
Yeah, I looked yesterday and, well, I'd like having a complete set but not that much! Wow.
Such a great everyday knife.
I got my JerryRigsEverything knifes
I will profess my ignorance, I had not heard of Jerry Rigs Everything before. I like a good folding utility knife. These look great!
Standard replaceable razer blade in a well built handle for dirt cheap. Plus his phone teardown videos are great.
I've had the 154CM version of this for years, love it.
I was on the fence for a long time, because (at the time) I had never purchased a knife that expensive before. Finally I got ready to buy a 154CM one from a local shop and then Benchmade released the S30V version. The shop was going to offer it, at the time, for only $5 more so I waited just a bit longer. :) Been a regular carry ever since.