Is it time for Punk to retire ~~the GTS~~ ?
Just fixing that for you ;)
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Is it time for Punk to retire ~~the GTS~~ ?
Just fixing that for you ;)
Probably not a popular opinion, but the GTS always looked ridiculous, even when it was executed well by Kenta. It's just an inherently silly move, and nobody above the midcard should be using it. Punk is insanely over the hill for a dude his age (especially compared to the NJPW wrestle dads who've been popping up since Forbidden Door I), and his matches are just generally sad to watch, especially when he tries to hit his finisher. Dude should be on commentary, not in the ring.
Commentary or as a manager sure, but not for a while. I think the reality is that due to his age and body Punk really should be relegated to the upper mid card, have him be the gate keeper to the main event. Show that you can make matches look good with an old man and in return Punk can build a feud so hot you will be rocketed into the main event scene.
So I'm not the only one. Everything about him screams what you layed out, but his reactions dictate that he needs to be a star. His gimmick is also perfect to tow the line
The weird thing is vampires usually have super strength.
Jokes aside, that GTS on Joe did look bad.
Tbh I was surprised he was able to get Joe onto his shoulders to even attempt the move at all. Joe is a big dude.
Punk popularized the GTS, but tbh I have always thought his looked sloppy compared to other performers who have used it within a match.