The Basic Law demands democracy (specifically, a universal suffrage system under Article 45); we fought for democracy because that was the one main thing they hadn't given us yet from the Basic Law. Of course, that's all gone now, so... who knows XD Given that the Basic Law is no longer actually a constitution but instead just a law governing us that can be superseded at any point by any Chinese law, we're just fucked lol.
Hong Kong
香港人加油!Whether you're an English speaker, Cantonese speaker, or anyone else, all are welcome as long as you maintain respect :)
so basically we have given up on basic law and are just fighting for the one thing remaining from that which is democracy? so we can have some legislators that are not pro-beijing. thnx for explaining
I mean, when the main fight was going on we had nearly everything the Basic Law gave us lol. They've just been taking that away over the past four-ish years. It's not like there's protests going on now, so like, right now it's more just stay alive and get out :P
at this point i don't even know which main fight you're referring to, do you mean before 2019? the fugitive offenders bill?
I remember when i lived there (it's a long time ago now) i could do the same things in HK that i could in any western country, there were the 1 July protests and the statue at HKU for Tiananmen square still up
Yeah, in 2019 was the big big protests. They stopped during covid and never came back because of the National security law. Back in 2019 we had all those freedoms still, it's just been stripped away these past few years.