I’m definitely looking forward to messaging in Bean! I did get 2 crashes while browsing my feed in compact mode, but was unable to replicate intentionally.
Bean is a Lemmy client for iOS.
Bean is available on the App Store here.
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Are you able to let me know if you have any of the following options on:
- Blur NSFW Images
- Avatars or Community Icons
- Mark Read on Scroll
Blurr is on, but I filter out NSFW. Community icons are on. Mark read is off.
Okay great! I think the issue might have been the shadow on the avatars which I’ve reworked in 1.0.6 so fingers crossed that was it 😄
What about community icons in the home page?
I think we have that already. Isn’t it this?
Wait… what‽ how. What version are you on?
I’m on 1.0.5. It’s in the Display settings. It was a fairly recent addition.
Oh wow! Thanks!! This was the one thing that has been keeping me away from Bean. The groups are so promising! This changes everything!
So far so good for me. No crashing from what I am seeing.
I’m looking forward to trying the updated iPad layout once that is available.
Hey @steve228uk - congrats! I somehow missed that Bean made the jump to the App Store. I just sent you a message, but then I realized there's no messaging in Bean, so you may not see it.
I'm looking forward to messaging!