Aotearoa / New Zealand
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
We just had a bit of downtime.
This was due to an update for the host (the guys), that took longer than expected.
We've also had backup issues the past few days, they've added more storage to help but probably some time soon we'll need to change how backups are done. They are getting too big as we can't control the caching of images.
Somehow the sun is out but it's not a very nice day. I'm on my own in the office and regretting the fact I could have lugged my Bluetooth speaker to work for a Spotify day. Still, could be worse.
Happy monday!
Somehow the sun is out but it’s not a very nice day.
Just like every "you can't beat Wellington on a good day" photo, looks beautiful but better to be inside.
Yeah, I feel for the couriers today, ducking in and out of warm buildings and cold winds.
What a start to the week. Woke up to very heavy rain and really strong winds. The rain has since stopped, and it’s now sunny, but still very windy.
Took a tumble last evening, somehow tripped and head butted the edge of an open inside door. Can’t remember where I did it, so I can’t shout at the guilty door, or the mat I must have tripped on. I guess accidents do happen. Got a sore head though.
... tripped and head butted the edge of an open inside door. Can’t remember where ...
Hit your head so hard you got amnesia! Ouch!
I know, it’s not like me at all; typically I remember every detail for everything recent. I was fine enough this morning to brew coffee, so all is good!!
Well if you start throwing up then maybe call an ambulance.