The only thing you should be stressing about is the factory not growing, and the only way for the factory to grow (at least until you research Logistics) is running around and expanding production.
Dreaming of transport belts
- All content must be Factorio related
- No political content
- Be nice
Last updated: 2023/06/05
Useful links
Factorio has never been on sale and will (probably) never be on sale
build roads for the movement speed increase
use vehicles (trains can be manually sent to a particular station, without cargo they can go very fast)
get a spidertron when you can
A mall can also help you to resupply several items in one location.
Once you get bots, the game changes dramatically. After that point, I play more from map view than actually walking around.
And after all, you play the game, don't let the game play you ;)
Just do one thing at a time and you will make progress. Turn the biters down or increase the starting area if you feel rushed.
Later on you will get tools so you don't have to be everywhere or if you do, to get there quick.
- Rush sciences to make myself turboman-roboport.
- Never craft anything by hand after the first hour or two.
- Create small but modular/pasteable designs.. also just make bad designs that work 'good enough' and move on to the next task.
- Before turboman, never walk, I add a commuter train that goes to every main work/supply destination.
I don't walk unless I have to, and I modify my base to remove any tedious walking I find myself doing.