He is 7.. lol
7 year olds know nothing ans they chabge their mind on what they like and dont like every few months
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He is 7.. lol
7 year olds know nothing ans they chabge their mind on what they like and dont like every few months
Months? Seems a long time for a 7 year old.
As a Baptist myself, we have kids taking communion and getting baptised. We do have a baptism class that everyone has to take before they can get baptised. And there are some discussions and so on, as to make sure people understand and also are sure they're ready to commit.
Personally, I think 7 is fine, as it's pure unadulterated faith, it can only make the child bond more with his family and the community. Not to mention the overwhelming love and support and how great the child will feel officially showcasing their faith and the church celebrating it with them.
As someone that tends to struggle with over-thinking or "analysis-paralysis" from time to time, I love how Jesus kept things simple and asked us to do the same, and including the kids when he was teaching.
Hope I didn't get too in your space. :-)
As a lutheran myself, I cannot see any issues in kids taking communion. And kids getting baptized is no issue either. But I know baptists see this differently, so it's hard to answer for you :)
Have him baptised. Don't let him take the supper until that is done; one of the things it does is issue a call to join the church for the non-baptised, so... It's working.
Let him, dont keep anyone from Christ